Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Carnation Or Peony?

A L O H A From Honolulu!
If you want to be a great leader,
start by seeing greatness in others,
and then inspire, encourage, and
coach them to achieve it.
  John Gordon 

Almost everything will
work again if you unplug it
for a few minutes. . .
Including you. Anne Lamott

Creativity is
intelligence having fun. Einstein

The truth does not require
your participation
in order to exist. Terence McKenna

Youth looks ahead Age looks back The moment, shiny penny, Rolls unnoticed
Down the crack.

Love You,
Cloudia & Pixie


 Linking To



Teresa said...

Pixie's quote today is so profound. She always notices the penny rolling down the crack.

Andrew said...

I like the truth saying. Very clever.

Cloudia said...

Thanks Dears

eileeninmd said...

Beautiful sky and rainbow. Love the pretty flowers and your cute Pixie.
Take care, enjoy your day!

s.c said...

That Einstein always surprising.

William Kendall said...

Pixie looks at ease.

roentare said...

Love Einstein quote. Creativity

Tom said...

...amen to Terence McKenna!

Anvilcloud said...

Unplugging is good. Rebooting works in similar fashion. Sue's iPad wasn't recharging, so she rebooted and it is doing fine.

Barbara Rogers said...

Lovely flower...I'm voting peony with those leaves.

RedPat said...

You find the best Einstein quotes, Cloudia.

Yvonne Osborne said...

I love your quotes, all of them, and would always take a peony over a carnation.

Cloudia said...

Love you friends! Thanks

Martha Jane Orlando said...

Pixie's poem is perfect and so true. Blessings to the both of you!

Bill said...

Pixie knows what to say and I love it. Great day to you both.

Jenn Jilks said...

Interesting thoughts!
I'd like to unplug from coughing, but I have to get rid of all this crap.
I feel happy visiting your photos and lovely words.


These quotes are wonderfully thought-provoking! Each one carries a powerful message about leadership, self-care, creativity, truth, and the passage of time. They provide a great deal of inspiration and insight into different aspects of life.

I just posted a new blog post, please read: [](

Barbara Rogers said...

I just came back because that Pixie quote has lingered in my mind, so I'm going to borrow it now! Thanks to both of you!

Kathy G said...

Whether the flower is a carnation or peony, it's beautiful. What a lovely color!

magiceye said...

Beautiful photos and captions Aloha 🙏

Mike said...

I've got lots to look back on.

Brian's Home Blog said...

Those were all terrific and I do like the unplugged idea! Thanks for joining Angel Brian's Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!