Monday, July 1, 2024

In The Ordinary

A L O H A From Honolulu!

Night is purer than day;
it is better for thinking,
loving and dreaming.
At night everything is
more intense, more true.
The echo of words that have
been spoken during the day
takes on a new and
deeper meaning.
   Elie Wiesel

Kokiʻo Keʻokeʻo,
Hibiscus arnottianus
Native to Moloka'i & O'ahu.

A wise one
changes their mind,
a fool never will.
Spanish Proverb

Lagerstroemia indica, crepe myrtle

Happiness is 
a place between 
too little and too much. 

Holiness comes wrapped
in the ordinary. There are
burning bushes all around you.
Every tree is full of angels.
Hidden beauty is waiting
in every crumb.
Macrina Wiederkehr

I don't regret the things
I haven't gotten, but
I do regret the things
I haven't given.
John Sarris

𓏅 𓏅 𓏅 𓏅 𓏅 𓏅 𓏅
Love You,
Cloudia & Pixie




Elephant's Child said...

Lots of wisdom today - though I prefer the morning to the night.

roentare said...

Thank you for another round of great quotes and pleasant photos

Tom said...

...I hope that you day is anything, but ordinary.

eileeninmd said...

Lovely images and words!
Pixie is always a favorite and I love the hibiscus.
Happy July! Have a great day and happy new week!

Barbara Rogers said...

Love that the iced coffee has been consumed already!

Kathy G said...

That Spanish proverb is very thought provoking.

Hena Tayeb said...

The changing mind quote is so true. Me must open our mind, learn facts and evolve and adjust our thinking.

Martha Jane Orlando said...

A day becomes ordinary only when we let it. Blessings, Cloudia!

RedPat said...

Great words today.That looks like an evil cloud over the city in the 1st shot, Cloudia. ;-)

Anvilcloud said...

I have thought that it is a good thing to be able to change one's mind. Many disagree.

Cloudia said...

Thanks Each of You ☺️

carol l mckenna said...

Pixie ~ I always love seeing you and great post Mom ~ and photos ~ favorite is the rainbow ~ hugs,

Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

Michelle said...

Lots of wise quotes today. Sending my best to you and Pixie.

Bill said...

Great quotes today and a refreshing drink that someone enjoyed. Love the photos especially the first one. Enjoy your day and make it special. :)

Sandee said...

I love the quote about night. So very true.

I always love seeing Pixie. She's a most beautiful womancat.

Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week. Scritches to Pixie. ♥

Teresa said...

Cool quote about the night and lovely sky shots. Pixie looks regal today.

magiceye said...

Aloha! 🙏

Iris Flavia said...

Very wise quotes again. I prefer the day, though... Aloha to both!

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I'm a night person, so I loved the view from your condo. You must have a corner condo because you have so many different views.

What a great way to celebrate T Tuesday. Honolulu Kona coffee! Th9amks for sharing this with us for T this Tuesday, dear Cloudia.

My name is Erika. said...

You find the best quotes for your photos Cloudia. That night photo is amazing! Wishing you and Pixie. A happy T day and a happy July too.

William Kendall said...

Pixie is ready to go.

Katerinas Blog said...

I really like your night photo Cloudia!
Have a beautiful July!!

NCSue said...

Aloha and thanks for sharing at