Tuesday, July 9, 2024

High Simple Useful

 A L O H A From Honolulu!
The first hundred years
are the hardest. Wilson Mizner

It's important to be kind.
You can't know all the times
that you've hurt people in
tiny, significant ways.
It's easy to be cruel without
meaning to be. There's nothing
you can do about that. But
you can choose
to be kind. Be kind.

There is no power on earth 
that can neutralize the influence
 of a high, simple,
and useful life.
Booker T. Washington

Freedom means the opportunity
to be what we never
thought we would be.
     Daniel J. Boorstin

 Keep green places
in your heart.
Perhaps a singing bird
will nest there 
   Chinese Proverb

୧୨ ୧୨ ୧୨ ୧୨
Love You,
Pixie & Cloudia

Tako is a Japanese word for wild caught octopus
The word “jiu jitsu” derives from the Japanese “Jū” meaning “gentle” and “Jutsu” meaning “art”; essentially, jiu jitsu is the “gentle art”.


Teresa said...

The gentle art of wild octopi... No wonder Pixie looks bewildered, between gentle wild octopi and birds nesting in our hearts, it is quite a befuddling day.

roentare said...

The octopus's emblem is looking very interesting

Elephant's Child said...

Love that Chinese proverb and hope I am kind.

Andrew said...

What a gorgeous little bird.

eileeninmd said...

Gorgeous sky and I love the cute bird!
I love the Chinese proverb.
Take care, enjoy your day!

Anvilcloud said...

My uncle used to say, "A hundred years from now, it will all be over."

RedPat said...

Love the Chinese proverb, Cloudia. ;-)

Barbara Rogers said...

Great sayings...and I think the octopus is grabbing some rockets meant for the Ukraine, just based on the colors used. I need to think more peaceful thoughts today.

Martha Jane Orlando said...

May we choose kindness each and every day, and God forgive us when we fail.
Blessings, Cloudia!

Tom said...

...the first hundred years are the hardest and then it gets easier?

Jenn Jilks said...

You do have amazing skies. A lovely post.

Lydia C. Lee said...

THe city buildings are rarely shown when people post pics of Hawaii....lovely to see tho #TravelTuesday

Sandee said...

I love all the photography. The bird is so cute and so colorful and you know how much I love seeing Pixie.

Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. Scritches to Pixie. ♥

Bill said...

The little yellow bird is very cute.

rupam sarma said...

Beautiful post, Amazing sky view, lovely bird
Greetings from India

Lillian "sognafaret" said...

Day ore night, so amazing sky

William Kendall said...

Cheerful birds.