Thursday, August 8, 2024

How To Be A Beautiful Sunset

A L O H A From Honolulu!

To keep the heart unwrinkled, to be hopeful, kindly, cheerful, reverent--that is to triumph over old age. Thomas Bailey Aldrich

A human life is a
story told by God.
   Hans Christian Andersen

Do not watch the clock.
Do what it does.
Keep going.
    Sam Levenson

Wisdom is the perception of the unimportance of the things we call great, and of the importance of the things we call small. Charles Edward Jerningham

Life is really simple,
but we insist on
making it complicated. Confucius

Love You,
Cloudia & Pixie



Teresa said...

I love the sunset shot, and the girls on the beach (one in boots, the other barefoot), and Pixie unmasked at her "table. That last lion mask is awesome, too. Pixie can wear it again once she has eaten her fill!

Cloudia said...


roentare said...

Such a wonderful garden

s.c said...

Just be.

Anvilcloud said...

Nice thought about not watching the clock.

Ananka said...

Great photos :-D

William Kendall said...

Glorious sunset.

RedPat said...

Fabulous sunset, Cloudia. ;-)

Barbara Rogers said...

Oops, I missed reading your posts for a couple of days, so glad to see you again - my fault. Love the sun hitting the cabinets, all angles and the soft dear Pixie as contrast!

Mike said...

The clock seems to be running at high speed these days.

Martha Jane Orlando said...

Gorgeous photos and inspiration, Cloudia. Thank you!

Cloudia said...

Thank you

Cloudia said...

Thank you

Cloudia said...

Thanks 😊

Cloudia said...


Cloudia said...


Cloudia said...

Thanks Hon 😊

LoveT. said...

Wonderful, i love the photos and quotes.

Christine said...

Lovely -Christine

Bill said...

The sunset is stunning. Great photos and quotes, Cloudia.

Elephant's Child said...

Thank you both.

Thank you both.

DeniseinVA said...

Sweet photo of our dear Pixie, beautiful photos and wise words. Thank you so much!

Michelle said...

I like the Levenson quote!

Spare Parts and Pics said...

Gorgeous sunset. It does seem like we (Homo sapiens) insist on making things much too complicated!

magiceye said...

Gorgeous captures and captions!

Paspii said...

I love the opening shot!

Jim said...

Beautiful orange sky.

Judy Biggerstaff said...

Beautiful pics today. The sunset is stunning.

peppylady (Dora) said...

Great photos. Looks like the girls is leary.

Michelle said...

Pixie looks so serious! Thank you for linking up.