Sunday, August 11, 2024

Simply Joy

A L O H A From Honolulu!
To the illuminated mind 
the whole world
 sparkles with light.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

It's a good thing that
when God created the
rainbow he didn't consult a
decorator or he would still
be picking colors.
Sam Levenson

Suspended high daring feat!
Canvas of glass reflections to greet.
With steady hand and focused eye,
Paints with water an azure sky.

Dances on air, delicate grace!
Master of angles,
of time, and of space.
So let us applaud
this overlooked art,
Of window washers
with grateful heart.

Dwell within
gentle quiet flame,
With simple joy
transmute my pain.
    Cloudia Charters

What I want is so simple
I almost can't say it:
elementary kindness.
Barbara Kingsolver


Love You,
Pixie & Cloudia

Linking To

Monday Murals

Jaipur Garden Affair

If you carry joy
in your heart,
you can heal
any moment.
Carlos Santana


magiceye said...

Marvelous photos and poetry! Aloha 🙏

Cloudia said...

Namaste 🙏🏽 thank you

roentare said...

Your words are nurturing and soothing

Mike said...

Great sky picture.

Elephant's Child said...

That sunset is a beauty.

s.c said...

Nice start for the Sunday. Thanks.

eileeninmd said...

Love your images and the wise words.
Take care, have a great day and a happy new week!

Tom said...

...simple is often best.

Sandi said...

"It's a good thing that
when God created the
rainbow he didn't consult a
decorator or he would still
be picking colors."


Barbara Rogers said...

I appreciate your and Pixie's words today...and the rainbow especially!

Anvilcloud said...

Window washer: what a job!

DrumMajor said...

Frilly flower is stunning! Linda in Kansas

Anne Hagman-Niilola said...

Lovely photos.

R's Rue said...

So beautiful

RedPat said...

The sky shots are fabulous, Cloudia. ;-)

GreenComotion said...

Love the beautiful mural and Pixie's poem :)
Thanks for the lovely share.
Be well!

Sharon said...

I love that window washer poem!

Cloudia said...

What a beautiful thing to say. Thank you dear

Cloudia said...

Mahalo Mike

Cloudia said...

Thank you dear, we are so lucky aren't we you and I?

Cloudia said...

Ray's thanks friends! I really linger over and love every comment. Appreciate you guys Aloha

Martha Jane Orlando said...

It costs nothing to be kind. Loved all the photos combined with your wise words, Cloudia and Pixie!

Jim said...

Beautiful mural.

Teresa said...

I love Pixie's joyous Ode to Window Washers by a Penthouse Cat! The Cloudia quote is also outstanding. Thanks for spreading the joy today.

Bill said...

Beautiful photos and quotes to begin the new week. Love the poem it's awesome. Thank you, Cloudia and Pixie.

William Kendall said...

Pixie would also like a nap.

Cloudia said...

Thanks Friends

rupam sarma said...

Great quotes , Amazing sky views, rainbow looks great, Mural work awesome.
Pixie cute :))
Have a nice week ahead. Greetings

Sami said...

I've been seeing a lot of rainbows lately, they are just wonderful! Those window washers are brave people! The mural is bright and colourful, thanks for participating in Monday Murals Cloudia.

Arun Goyal said...

What a beautiful Hibiscus, Sky shots are fabulous. Thanks for sharing with Garden Affair.