Monday, September 30, 2024

Launching Helium Baloons

A L O H A From Honolulu!

There is one thing 
the photograph must contain,
the humanity of the moment.
                Ansel Adams

To make mistakes is human;
to stumble is commonplace;
to be able to laugh
at yourself is maturity.
  William Arthur Ward

Hope is a helium balloon.
It is a wish lantern set out
into the dark sky of night.
 Sharon Weil

You cannot live a positive life with a negative attitude. Lolly Daskal


Love You,
Pixie & Cloudia

Freedom 💙 Unity

Nikola Tesla believed that
curling his toes on each foot
100 times every day
stimulated his brain cells
and enhanced his creativity.


Elephant's Child said...

Love that Lolly Daskal quote.
And Tesla was creative - I wonder whether it would work for me.

Mike said...

Did you photoshop the balloons out of the first picture?