Sunday, October 13, 2024

Real Aloha

A L O H A From Honolulu!

It's the love of the people.
That's what it is. Without the people
I can't do it. You know, I believe that
to heal people, you need to learn how
to love them. The more you give them
love the greater they become.
Auntie Blanche McMillan

Perpetual optimism
is a force multiplier.
Colin Powell

Queen Liliuokalani of Hawaii
by Solomon Enos

Be in the moment.
Stop thinking about the future
or the past, about what may or
may not happen, and put away
your phone. If a child in your lap
asks about the best part of your day,
say, “This is.”
        Daniel Jones

Election Heebee Jeebies

Hope for the best
prepare for the worst.
Daily blessed, if
Sometimes feeling cursed.

In the unknown,
Potential is sown.
Among  the shadows
Light is grown.

Yes let us hope
And let us dream
For even in chaos
There's beauty it seems.
   Cloudia Charters

Love You,
Pixie & Cloudia

#voteblue for #conscience

    Linking To

Monday Murals

Jaipur Garden Affair

*The phrase "heebie-jeebies" originated in 1923 in the comic strip Barney Google by American cartoonist Billy DeBeck. The phrase is a nonsense word that describes a feeling of anxiety, apprehension, or nervousness.


Teresa said...

This is a totally awesome post. I love the pictures, especially the mural and the orchids with the shadows. Pixie looks like she is in the moment, no heebie jeebies there. The Louie Armstrong video was amazing; it reminded me of when I was little and my grandfather would dance the Charleston for us. He used to dance in Charleston contests when he was a young man, and I think he won, too. That song and a dance like the Charleston will definitely shake off the heebie jeebies and make you feel happy and hopeful, even if you don't get to Pixie's level of total Zen ;)

Andrew said...

The mural is stunning. I doubt I could ever pass it by with looking at it.

roentare said...

That mural is so colourful!

Elephant's Child said...

That mural is great. Even here your forthcoming election is giving me the heebyjeebies.

Anvilcloud said...

We had a cat that we sometimes called Barney Google, or at least Sue did, for I was and still am not very familiar with that comic strip.

DrumMajor said...

Love it that the mural has the red painted curbs! I must stare at the two plumerias on the ground: just what is that crumbled seaweed to make the other flowers and palm on the ground. Hmmm. I'm praying lots of quiet people are voting correctly. Pixie is so calm. Linda in Kansas

Tom said...

...fabulous mural, mahalo.

RedPat said...

Incredible mural, Cloudia. ;-)

eileeninmd said...

Love the colorful mural!
Beautiful flowers!
Pixie is always a favorite.
Take care, have a great day and a happy new week!