Wednesday, March 5, 2025

What a Beautiful and Serene Place

 A L O H A  From

H  O  N  O  L  U  L  U

Just to be alive
In good health,
without mishaps,
Is far more precious
And brings
greater happiness
Than all the wealth
in the world.
Mokichi Okada

Learning to live in 
the present moment is 
part of the path of joy.
Sarah Ban Breathnach

Be so completely
that everyone else
feels safe to be
themselves too.

May I craft my life
As a Heavenly Island,
In the archipelago
Of kindly souls.
Where gentle waves
Of compassion lap
At the sandy shores of love.

Big waves thunder
An earthquake
Under my feet.
But breezes
whisper wisdom
And the air
Is fresh and sweet 

In this tranquil haven
Love will be the sun,
Warming hearts and
giving strength for the
work that must be done.
Cloudia Charters 

Love You,
Pixie & Cloudia

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Two Lives

 A L O H A  From

H  O  N  O  L  U  L  U

We all have two lives.
The second one starts
when we realize
we only have one.
Tom Hiddleston

Prolong not the past
Invite not the future...
Fear not appearances
There is nothing 
more than this.
                   Ram Dass

Notice Oahu weather map on the TV

 The sun, the earth,
love, friends, 
our very breath are
parts of the banquet. 
  Rebecca H. Davis

Life smiles at you when you are happy; But life salutes you when you make others happy. Charlie Chaplin

Love You,
Pixie & Cloudia


Click on photo to enlarge

What wisdom can you find 
 that is greater
 than kindness? 
  Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Monday, March 3, 2025

Reliable And Reliably

 A L O H A  From
H  O  N  O  L  U  L  U

Breathe deep,
Let silence bloom,  
A smile within
Evaporating gloom.

The Resistance Is Aloha. Decide to be a warrior
in your own way,
sharing what you have,
being reliable and
reliably kind. Lee Cataluna

How like a Queen
comes forth
the lonely Moon
From the slow-opening
curtains of the clouds,
Walking in beauty
to her midnight throne!...
George Croly

Compassion is the
sometimes fatal capacity
for feeling what it is like to
live inside somebody else's skin.
It's the knowledge that there
can never really be any peace
and joy for me until there is
peace and joy finally for you too. Frederick Buechner

Love You,
Pixie & Cloudia


Sunday, March 2, 2025

Best Religion

 A L O H A from

Whatever makes you more compassionate,
more sensible,
more detached, more loving,
more humanitarian, 
more responsive,
more ethical....

...The religion that will do that 
for you is the best religion.
Dalai Lama 

No private  jets
just worn-out shoes,
Pavement poems,
chasing the muse.

Laughter echoes
down the street,
Neighbors gathered,
Who kindly greet.

If it seems a childish 
thing to do, do it 
in remembrance that 
you are a child.
Frederick Buechner


Love You,
Cloudia & Pixie

A WYLAND Whaling Wall 
near my home, Waikiki

Saturday, March 1, 2025

The Sign

 A L O H A  From
H  O  N  O  L  U  L  U

 Gratitude is the sign of noble souls. Aesop

If you dream of 
becoming an eagle, 
you follow your dreams 
and not the words of 
a bunch of chickens. 
   Penny Johnson Jerald

Western Toad

Poetry is the art 
of creating imaginary 
gardens with real toads.
Marianne Moore

Life is at its best 
when everything has 
fallen out of place, 
and you decide that 
you're going to fight 
to get them right- 
           Thisuri Wanniarachchi

Love You,
Cloudia & Pixie


 Linking To

Saturday Critters

Friday, February 28, 2025


 A L O H A  From

H  O  N  O  L  U  L  U

Night never had 
the last word. 
The dawn is always 
Hugh B. Brown

All humans realize 
they are loved when 
witnessing the dawn; 
early morning is the 
triumph of good over evil. 
Absolved by light 
we decide to go on.     
    Rufus Wainwright

Always Looks Small
When You Hold It
 In Your Hand -
 But Let It Go,
And You learn at once 
How B I G And how
PRECIOUS it is. 
Maxim  Gorky

I Talk to myself.
Sometimes I need
expert advice!

   Edward Henheffer



Love You,

                       Pixie & Cloudia


Thursday, February 27, 2025


 A L O H A  From

H  O  N  O  L  U  L  U

Walking is good for solving problems —

it’s like the feet are

little psychiatrists. Terri Guillemets

A big part of being happy
is being excited. Be excited
for everything -
making a cup of tea,
seeing a friend, the next
episode of your favorite show,
buying something you've been
saving up for, sunsets,
traveling, falling in love.
Live a life you are
excited about!

Never Regret anything 
that made you smile.
Mark Twain

Immature coconut 
fashioned into
a baby seal!

No one else
can make you happy. Happiness is the result of love coming out of you. This is the Mastery of Love. Don Miguel Ruiz

Love You,
Pixie & Cloudia

Banana Flower

How can you tell the
difference between a
monster and a banana? Try picking it up.
If you can’t,
it’s either a monster
or a giant banana.