Saturday, March 1, 2025

The Sign

 A L O H A  From
H  O  N  O  L  U  L  U

 Gratitude is the sign of noble souls. Aesop

If you dream of 
becoming an eagle, 
you follow your dreams 
and not the words of 
a bunch of chickens. 
   Penny Johnson Jerald

Western Toad

Poetry is the art 
of creating imaginary 
gardens with real toads.
Marianne Moore

Life is at its best 
when everything has 
fallen out of place, 
and you decide that 
you're going to fight 
to get them right- 
           Thisuri Wanniarachchi

Love You,
Cloudia & Pixie


 Linking To

Saturday Critters


roentare said...

Gratitude is indeed crucial

Gemel said...

Those ducklings are adorable.

Andrew said...

Pixie, which is your best angle?

Anne Hagman-Niilola said...

Hi Pixie! How awesome post!

Anvilcloud said...

Oh! Two Pixies. How wonderful, especially on Caturday.

Tom said...'s good to see that you have all of your ducks in a row.

William Kendall said...

The Council of Infinite Pixies gathers once more.

Kathy G said...

A post full of animal photos is always appropriate.

Barbara Rogers said...

Loved double Pixie, and the little ducklings!

eileeninmd said...

Hello, Cloudia

Love the sweet ducklings. Pixie is always a cutie.
The gratitude quote is a favorite/
Thank you for your critter post and sharing your link! Take care, have a wonderful weekend.

Martha Jane Orlando said...

Having a gratitude attitude is the only way to go. Blessings, Cloudia!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I'll take that last quote to heart. We are packing for a camping trip and everything is in a mess right now! lol Hugs!

s.c said...

Cute animal pictures not to mention the quotes.

Anita said...

Ohh soo cuten little baby ducks😍Always like your quotes👍You deserve all good💖

Bill said...

Double love for Pixie. Wonderful quotes to start off a new month. Happy March, Cloudia.

Mike said...

I'm dreaming of these next four years flying by and me being alive at the end of them.

Teresa said...

So do we listen to the chickens if we just want more eggs? Or do we switch to eating duck eggs? Can Pixie advise us on this conundrum?

El Sentir del Poeta said...

Querida amiga, maravillosa entrada, me gustaron todas las citas acompañadas por esos animalitos.
Te dejo todo mi cariño y besos, que tengas un feliz fin de semana.

Shiju Sugunan said...

I especially enjoyed the quotes about gratitude and the photo of the Western Toad.

Kay said...

These quotes are so beautiful.