Saturday, May 30, 2009

Found: Bush's One Good Thing

Aloha! Come on in.
(click on pictures to enlarge ;-) My house has good lines, eh?

“Every day is a journey, and the journey itself is home.”

Matsuo Basho

This is Diamond Head Road. See the road sign?

It goes all around the crater and is a favorite "cruising" place to see and be seen. Pop star Rhianna has been seen bicycling here recently. Hope she's feeling better!

Never saw these before!

“Let us be grateful to people who make us happy; they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom.”
Marcel Proust

the FRESH AIR Fund is a truly worthy effort!
Why not click on the banner?

Tee Hee!

A woman after my own heart;

two words: "Sun Protection."

“They remember me as this shy girl sitting under the table. But they obviously didn't know what was going on in my head.”
Izabella Scorupco

In the final days of his administration, Bush the Younger did something surprising. He declared the pristine Northwestern Hawaiian Islands a Marine National Monument.

This paradise at the far side of our archipelago is called:


Recently NOAA reported that 15 different species of whales, more than expected, frequent the large, watery "park."

80 types of coral, almost half of them found only in Hawaiian waters, also homestead these waters.

Here in Waikiki, with the near shore waters full of cavorting humans, and party boats jostling for sunset views just beyond the reef ,

I like to think of the whales and their buddies

lounging in their own V.I.P. enclave.

Perhaps some day I'll untie from the dock

and sail out to visit them. After all,

I too am found only in Hawaiian waters. . .

Note: My modem self-destructed late Thursday requiring a "swap-out," hence: no Friday post.
Sorry. It's just a tale of two modems, I guess. . . But I'm BACK, Baby!
A L O H A ! Cloudia


Anonymous said...

"In the final days of his administration, Bush the Younger did something surprising. He declared the pristine Northwestern Hawaiian Islands a Marine National Monument."

Jeez, talk about shocking. Maybe he got confused and thought it was a military thing since it said "Marine" LOL!


Dave King said...

Every line a winner! What are the blossoms called?

Gemma Wiseman said...

What a lively happy post! A breath of fresh air in my crazy life right now!

I am in the midst of report writing and marking exams,(high school teacher), so my visits to other blogs are a bit limited right now! All my blog posts are scheduled! But it's nearly over! One more week!

the walking man said...

I can see Cloudia climbing the riggin' standing in the crows nest with her patch over one eye and a parrot on her shoulder..."Whale's Ho 4 point's off the Larboard bow, all mates to quarters! Camera's at the ready!"

It is a tidy vessel, love that sweep in the deck line.

♥ Braja said...

Wow, I have never seen a twin-colored hibiscus before...that is so beautiful, Cloudia...

Anonymous said...

Good lines indeed. Great shots all. The one of Diamond Head makes me feel like I'm standing right there looking at it in person. The hibiscus is gorgeous-- I've never seen on like it either.

So happy you're back baby!

Anonymous said...

Nice pics , I guess I can visit your blog and visit hawaii. ;)

DeniseinVA said...

I would love to be able to sail my home around. The photos were lovely. That hibiscus is incredible.

roughterrain crane said...

You quote Basho, a poet in 17 centuries, with the photo of a ship. He said that people floated their lives on a ship. You have the same feeling with him.

Akelamalu said...

Oh that flower is A.M.A.Z.I.N.G.!

Anonymous said...

Life is a journey written/directed by God. And we actors - I belive.

Jenn Jilks said...

How glorious to see hibiscus living outdoors! I have to take mine in in the winter. Ah well. All the better to appreciate your marvellous locale and photos!

Daryl said...

Lovely oddly colored Hibiscus .. and I love your 'home' ... Aloha!

Charles Gramlich said...

I love Island diversity, both in nature and among the people.

Feisty Crone said...

Nice to know that Bush the younger did one good thing.

Gorgeous photos!

Dina said...

Cloudia-found-only-in-Hawaiian-waters, I love how you identify with your fellow creatures.
Pardon my that really your boat/house?

Anonymous said...

Cat's Ahoy with Cloudia! Your boat doesn't appear to be too much like Popeye's style, as you'd mentioned before. Maybe because of it's "cap."
For sure, a "visitor" poured their mai tai near that amazing hibiscus. It's just preaching diversity!
I'd read about Bush saving the seas...that's good, even if not in his typical functionality.
Sunny in Kansas, and my hibiscus canes are comin' up! DrumMajor

Deborah Godin said...

Ah, no lawn THAT'S paradise...

Anonymous said...

very cool

gigi-hawaii said...

Welcome back! David and I sent you a card. Hope you got it.

The heat and humidity are so unbearable, we have the a/c on constantly.

Cloudia said...

Aloha Everybody!
I don't know what those amazing, two-toned hibiscus are called; but I've never let my ignorance come between a good picture and YOUR eyes ;-)

Yes, that is my house / boat (but it's not a house-boat)

As GiGi writes, Oahu has been hot an unusually sticky (for us) for a while now. PLEASE TURN THE TRADE WINDS BACK ON!
Think I'll visit some Spring-ier places in your blogs.
See ya soon. And please hang out here ANYTIME!

Anonymous said...

I can get lost in these photos

Rajesh said...

Beautiful snaps. The mountain in the background for 2ns snap looks good. What is that multi-colored flower. Never seen before.

Yeti said...

Love your photos.. That's a very unique looking flower.. We don't have them over here..

Bubblewench said...

That is very cool! Yes, their own VIP area.