Sunday, May 17, 2009

Sunday Muse

Aloha & Welcome to another Waikiki Sunday!
click on photos to enlarge"The most beautiful adventures are not those we go to seek."
Robert Louis Stevenson

"Troubles are often the tools God fashions us for better things."
Henry Ward Beecher

Riddle of the Sphynx
"What walks on four legs at dawn, two legs at noon, and three legs at night?"

I am just like you.
Awakening at 3 a.m. for that dread life-review.
How amazing it's all been (so far!)
yet how different and puny are my accomplishments
viewed side-by-side with youthful dreams and expectations.

And this is where the whispering wise one within
draws back the curtain,
the thinning curtain of our illusions,
and smiling shows
immediate evident abundance of blessings:
technicolor skies, and the real-er
unseen coin of affection.

My child's dreams were just that,
provisional aspirations
that pale in the light
of this vivid and only moment.
So this, at last, is true:
I've lived amidst great beauty
and struggle
coming to focus more
on the former,
a farmer of verities
from the stony
soil of our late day.

In returning and rest
I have found a lovely song
to sing, surpassing
the obituary
I might have built.
A L O H A Cloudia


the walking man said...

But the day starts much earlier than 3...0000 to be more specific. The older I get I find that even in the thinning curtain and stony soil there is reason to dream and work as if the dirt were loamy and the curtain still full and thick.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful pictures Cloudia, but even more beautiful words.

Reader Wil said...

Am I right to think that you were in a sad mood when writing that poem? At least you can write! Your photos are great and the riddle is good.Thanks for your visit to my snake! My daughter knows more about snakes than I, but she is brave.

Dave King said...

More gorgeous pics to feast our eyes upon... thanks!

Akelamalu said...

I'm intrigued at the last photo Cloudia. :0

Love your poem m'dear.x

Anonymous said...

Never doubt your outward influence amongst the people in your lower lots of blood pressures. I find myself having more of those "wishes to wisdom" moments as I get older. It justifies the path we took through our adventures to arrive at inner contentment.
So why did you have to turn your boat around? Please don't fall off...gosh, Pirate Kitty might get wet again. DrumMajor

Daryl said...

The stroller and walker are a perfect shot ... love them all but that's my fav


Charles Gramlich said...

get a few dreams, lose a few dreams. It's the way of things.

starbender said...

I would love to wake up on the beach there, I wouldn't care what time it was.

Cloudia said...

Thanks very much for these comments, friends!

Bubblewench said...

very beautiful

Kay said...

That last photo of the walker and baby stroller really speaks to me.