Wednesday, October 7, 2009

How to Become

A L O H A!

Waikiki Welcomes YOU-

click on photos to raise mojo
"Our pain doesn't come from the love we weren't given in the past, but from the love we ourselves aren't giving in the present. Salvation is only found in the present. Every moment we have the chance to change our past and our future by reprograming the present."

"We create what we defend against."

"We chose the patterns, however mistakenly, and He will not force us to give them up."
All quotes today: Mariane Williamson

Even though I lived through it, it still amazes me how completely my life has changed.

I find it breathtaking even now, how completely daily experiences mirror habitual thoughts. Shakespeare wrote that "Nothing is good or bad, but thinking makes it so." I have learned though hard experiment that this is merely a statement of bare fact.

Make no mistake.
It takes fearless commitment to face our thought habits.
They appear so self-evident, so obvious, that we never even notice them - they are the air we breathe: invisible.
We never stop to realize that there are alternative ways to respond to any situation. We keep responding the same way, over and over again, proclaiming: "That's just the way I am" all the while forgetting that it's just the way we've always been (up to now) as we keep hoping for a better outcome from our same in-put. "This time will be different," we tell oursleves, but somehow it never is.

Repeating nice affirmations will not help, if your gut is smirking and dis-affirming each one. We can not butt heads with habit. It's head is much, much harder. We must disrupt it's power through the unexpected. To change our energy, our responses, disguises us, and ultimately forges a new intentional identity.
Out of such mysterious change a space is created, where new growth can bring forth shoots. Soon it becomes beautifully clear how we daily experience pretty much what we expect to. You begin to comprehend the subtle cause & effect between your attitude, behavior and the world you inhabit. Change yourself, change the world. Think of the power in this! Expecially as more and more of us liberate ourselves from the "same old thing."

It turns out that people really do know subconsciously how you think and feel about them. We "read" each other all day long. Victims will find willing victimizers unerringly. This graciously presents each with the very opportunities each one needs to work through these issues along the way, and to make other choices. Once we thus come to become ourselves more deeply, we no longer require such lessons, and somehow they cease to show up in our life.

Seeing and being newness,
in ourselves and in our lives,
is the only way to change positively.

And don't forget that change is inevitable.

I have come to enjoy focusing on the daily bounty.
To me the inevitability of change, or endings, only makes today the more exhilarating and glittering. I no longer waste time fearing future, or lamenting the past. Either is a waste of time, a sacrilege in the face of glories too oft obscured by such unworthy considerations.

Attitudes and lives can change - just ask me: a former anxious depressive hanging on day to day. But a dragon guards this treasure's way. He holds a mirror, and only the courage to see yourself, and to grow, will get you past the fear.

A L O H A Friends, Cloudia


claude said...

The google translating is very bad so I cannot understand everything. Sky of your first photo is very beautiful.
Aloha Cloudia !

Hilary said...

All very true and wise.. and bBeautifully put.

wenn said...

Seeing and being newness,
in ourselves and in our lives,
is the only way to change positively.
...very true.

the walking man said...

Years ago I sat and wrote a list of everything I was and what I wanted. I sifted it and only the smaller words fell through. I put them in a blender and took out everything that was left whole. When I looked and saw only the smallest potion of my desires was left I meditated and practiced that one singular small idea.

It was wisdom, the application of everything else sifted and blended together.

I liked being in the kitchen, I still like sifting and blending. I have found it is where I belong.

Dave King said...

Those first four quotes go right to the spot. They really hit where it hurts. Excellent!

Daryl said...

So very true ... aloha, my sister xo

Charles Gramlich said...

My ritual of the past few years has been exactly that, focusing on what I have to be thankful for and all the good things in my life. It's only when a family member is troubled and there's little that I can do that I return once more to despair.

Anonymous said...

A good lesson in life. As i have discovered the glass is indeed half full if I will see the overflow!

Congrats on POTW mention at Hilary's!

nonizamboni said...

Wisdom and hope all in one post. Thanks for the reminder, encouragment and truth. Does honest commitment eventually take on a fearless-ness?

Friko said...

Oh Cloudia, if only it were all that easy. Everything you say is right and true, but definitely not easy. I am having a hard time of it, still.

Maggie May said...

Your photos are so lovely and the quotes are wise.....
I came over from Hilary's to say congratulations on being mentioned on POTW!

Nuts in May

Anne said...

Thanks for this post.

It's what I needed to read this morning.
I woke up in a bad mood.
I need some wise words to think about why. I just seem to be in a bad mood alot latley.
This post has given me alot to think about.

Elizabeth Bradley said...

I'm afraid in some ways I have conquered my "thought habits", and in others I still struggle to defeat them. My husband is obsessed with the future, I'm always telling him that he needs to concentrate on TODAY. Thoughtful post, my dear.

Anonymous said...

After being awake for now nearly 18 hours, this was, what provided me with the hope that 'hope' itself will remain alive, changing things to the may only imagine how much I'm in need of that...not even allowed to talk about that here...thank you very much for this post of yours.

Fireblossom said...

....Isn't there a quote about "be the change you seek to find" or something like that?

Well anyway.

F. Scott Fitzgerald famously said that there are no second acts in American lives. He was mistaken.

Cloudia said...

Thanks for this medly of thoughtful remarks you folks!

"be the change...."
Ghandi and MLK

Pseudo said...

Your comment was above mine over at Braja's so I came to say hi, plus we both live on Oahu.

Teresa said...

Hi Cloudia,

I really enjoyed this post. It is both touching and helpful to me. Words can't express everything. Thanks for sharing the beauty of yourself and of Hawaii.

Cloudia said...

Aloha you 2 :)

magiceye said...

well said!

namaste /\

gabrielle said...

There are truly opportunities in every moment. Transformation at a cellular level. Your words are so wise and uplifting. It is a joy to visit.

Frank Baron said...

Lots of truths here. Good on you for recognizing and sharing them.

(And good on Hilary for sending me here.) :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks to Hilary for sending me to this thoughtful and insightful post. You have it sussed [worked out...understood]i think.