Thursday, March 21, 2013

Imagine Yourself

A L O H A !

" Smooth seas 
do not make for a 
skillful sailor. "

African Proverb

" Cease trying
 to work everything out
 with your minds. 
It will get you nowhere. 
Live by intuition 
and inspiration
 and let your whole life 
be Revelation. "

Eileen Caddy 

" Life is only a dream 
and we are 
the imagination
 of ourselves. "

Bill Hicks 

  > < } } (°>

' Take Peace & Smiles - Leave Your Comment '
Thanks for visiting!
                          Warmly, cloudia


Brian Miller said...

if we are the imagination of ourselves, i hope mine stays creative you know...ha...hmm...some interesting thoughts to ponder today...

hope your mid week is going well...
aloha from va

Bob Bushell said...

Lovely images, and the quotes.

the walking man said...

Cool, now give me a shove so I can wake up and quit dreaming I am something I am not.

TexWisGirl said...

really like that first quote.

Anonymous said...

Da pups look like strong little specimens; maybe they are surfers! DrumMajor

Teresa said...

The first and second pictures are stunning.

Charles Gramlich said...

I like that smooth seas quote. Certainly some truth there.

21 Wits said...

I dream of soft, and steady seas, free of ICE! :)

Myrna R. said...

Love that second photo.
I must start imagining myself strong, aging gracefully, evolving, being a really good person. Hope that works.

Cloudia said...

Thanks! Each of you is a celebrity here. Thanks for the autograph session!

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Fab image to go with the Eileen Caddy wise words Cloudia..and just look at those two cute little doggy faces :)

PerthDailyPhoto said...

p.s. thongs are flip flops in Aussie speak :)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

SWEET PUPPIES stunning sun rise

LOLfromPasa said...

Ok. I am going to do it - stop trying to work everything out in my mind! Advice makes good sense.

Elephant's Child said...

Love it. Life is but a dream...

Anonymous said...

Yes, a dream within a dream it is. Yes, am thinking way too much. Thank you for the advice.
Please have you all a good Friday.

Adam said...

great quotes

DeniseinVA said...

Great advice!

Cloudia said...

Thank each of YOU!!!

Indrani said...

Beautiful images for the quotes.

Cloudia said...

thanks, I

Betty Manousos said...

really like that first photo!
what a beautiful sky. and quote.
