Monday, June 24, 2024

Break And Breathe

A L O H A From Honolulu!

The whole body
reacts to color.
If you were to
walk into an
all-neon-pink room,
it would be difficult
not to react.
I think it is a unified,
human thing to feel
color with everything.
It is like standing next to
a bass speaker plugged
into your eyeballs.
Jim Drain

Friendship is the only cement
that will ever hold
the world together.
Woodrow Wilson

Sometimes you have to
take a break and breathe
before you can
keep moving forward.
Kayla Panchisin

The highest form of love
is to be the protector of
another person's solitude.
Rainer Maria Rilke


Love You,
Pixie & Cloudia


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Katerinas Blog said...

Friendship is truly the most precious thing in our life!
Breathing break essential!
The dog in the car is beautiful!
Have a great week Clοudia!

rupam sarma said...

Beautiful words, Sky looks amazing, great clicks. Have a nice week ahead.

Cloudia said...

Thanks Friends

Elephant's Child said...

I particularly like the last two quotes. Thank you.

Teresa said...

Sometimes you have to sail on and on with not time for a break. Pixie says, "You can only disturb my solitude if you come bearing gifts of catnip!" Have a glorious and colorful day!

Andrew said...

In the first photo it looks like rising pink smoke.

roentare said...

Friendship cements the world but not lovers?

s.c said...

What would the world be without colors.

Tom said...

...there's to a fabulous week, my friend.

Victor S E Moubarak said...

Wonderful quotations. Thank you so much.

God bless.

eileeninmd said...

Colors are just joyful, love the sky and sailboat.
Cute doggie! Take care, have a wonderful week!

Martha Jane Orlando said...

Such a cute capture of Pixie, and an amazing sky.
Blessings always!

Barbara Rogers said...

Ah ha, you meet dogs too! Loved all the sayings today! Pat Pixie a bit for me.

William Kendall said...

Pixie has heard rumors there's a dog around.

Jenn Jilks said...

That is what I love about your photos, such lovely colours. Probably because we're in white winter for so long.

Anvilcloud said...

Colour means so much, especially after a long Canadian winter.

RedPat said...

The world could definitely use more friendship these days, Cloudia. ;-)

Sandee said...

Love the Woodrow Wilson quote. Spot on.

I always love seeing Pixie. She's a beautiful lady cat.

Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week. Scritches to Pixie. ♥

Bill said...

Favourite quotes today, Woodrow Wilson and Kayla Panchisin. Great photos, Cloudia and have a wonderful day.

Mike said...

Years ago they found out that if they painted jail cells at the police departments pink, it would calm the prisoners down when they were brought in. But the effect only lasted 15 minutes.

magiceye said...

Beautiful photos and lovely quotes! Aloha! 🙏

CJ Kennedy said...

My late father-in-law called that color Sky Blue Pink. I love Pixie in guard mode. Happy T Day

NCSue said...

Thanks for joining us this week at, Cloudia!

Mae Travels said...

Your posts always make me feel calm. Hawaii makes me calm, just thinking about it, and remembering the many visits there above and under water. I wish it wasn’t such a long distance from me. But I feel that I will get there again some day.
best, mae at

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Loved the Woodrow Wilson quote and the photo of Pixie hiding behind the drapes. Nice entry for T Tuesday, too. Thanks for sharing these with us for T this Tuesday, dear Cloudia.

Hena Tayeb said...

Lovely pictures and quotes.

My name is Erika. said...

Color, pups and kitties, what a fabulous post. Never mind the quotes too. I hope you had a great T day.