Sunday, June 23, 2024

Of Inconceivable Mystery

A L O H A From Honolulu!
Full Strawberry Moon
21 June 24
OAHU, Hawaii, Courtesy: Dustin Ebisu

There is something haunting
in the light of the Moon.
It has all the dispassionate-ness
of a disembodied soul and
something of its inconceivable
Joseph Conrad

Honolulu Chinatown
If home is where you can be
yourself then the more you
can be yourself everywhere.
The more at home you will
be in the world. John Sarris

Rainbow steals
the window scene,
Her splashy joy
a vibrant sheen.

Aged Banana Leaf
Stand forth, my soul,
and grip thy woe,
Buckle the sword
and face thy foe.
What right hast thou
to be afraid
When all the universe
will aid?
  Angela Morgan

When We Were Four
 Know that you are 
the perfect age. 
Each year is special 
and precious, for you 
shall only live it once. 
Be comfortable 
with growing older. 
Louise Hay

Love You,
Pixie & Cloudia

Linking To
Monday Murals


magiceye said...

Aloha! 🙏

Kay said...

I missed the strawberry moon. Thank you for the photo. We did get some nice rainbows on our side of the island though. Have a great week, Cloudia!

Katerinas Blog said...

Know that you are
the perfect age.
Each year is special
and precious, for you
shall only live it once.
Be comfortable
with growing older.
How clever and I think finally so real!!
Have a beautiful Sunday Claudia!

Elephant's Child said...

Love your moon shot - and the rainbow (of course).

Victor S E Moubarak said...

Beautiful moon photo. Thanx.

God bless.

roentare said...

Thank you for the quotes and images

eileeninmd said...

Beautiful captures of the moon and the rainbow!
Pixie looks comfy!
Take care, enjoy your day and have a great week ahead.

Tom said... can be a mystery.

RedPat said...

We have had cloudy skies so no moon sightings here, Cloudia. ;-)

Anvilcloud said...

I don't know about the perfect age, but I will say that being 77 is better than not making it to 77.

Mike said...

We should remind Joseph Conrad that moonlight is just reflected sunlight. Vampires beware.

Teresa said...

I love the moon shot, the dragon, and Pixie! Great post today.

Cloudia said...

Thanks so much each of You 💞

Haddock said...

The moon always mesmerises me. I have to gaze at it for some time. (and all sorts of ideas goes through my mind)

William Kendall said...

Pixie is a welcome sight to see.

Martha Jane Orlando said...

I sure did like that positive quote about getting older, Cloudia. May we celebrate each day here as a blessing from the Lord!

Stewart M said...

I think there are things you can see in moonlight that you miss at other times. I love it. So silver.

Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne