Thursday, August 22, 2024

By Kindness

A L O H A From Honolulu!

You can accomplish
by kindness
what you cannot
by force
  Publilius Syrus

True friends chop the
onions and cry together.
 Ljupka Cvetanova

People who have had
little self-reflection live
life in a huge
reality blind spot.
   Bryant McGill

Half of your power lies in your sameness with others. The other half lies in your uniqueness. Alan Cohen

Love You,
Pixie & Cloudia




Teresa said...

Pixie is powerfully unique!

Cloudia said...

You are no slouch yourself pal!

Elephant's Child said...

Kindness is a super power - one we all have access to.

s.c said...

Again very nice musings for Thursday. Many thanks.

Fun60 said...

Kindness costs nothing. It would be a joy to the world if more people embraced it.

Tom said...

...yep, don't worry baby!

LoveT. said...

I love your post today! Kindness can make a big difference in this world.

Anne Hagman-Niilola said...

Very beautiful! Have a nice day.

Barbara Rogers said...

Great catch of that raining rainbow. Loved the hibiscus flowers!

RedPat said...

Friends crying together struck me nicely today, Cloudia. In a good way. ;-)

Anvilcloud said...

Pixie looks especially grumpy today, but he doesn't sound grumpy. 😊

Bill said...

Kindness is free for whoever wants it. It's not hard to use it in your life. Stunning rainbow, I love it.

Martha Jane Orlando said...

Amazing photos and quotes as always. Blessings!

Kathy G said...

Once I started practicing kindness it became a habit.

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

I love your cat!!

rupam sarma said...

Beautiful post, Amazing skyviews, Nice flowers, Hello to Pixie :)

Jim said...

Cool colours.

William Kendall said...

Glorious rainbow.

Spare Parts and Pics said...

Gorgeous rainbow sky!

Michelle said...

Great music today and always a treat to see Pixie :) Thank you for linking up.