Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Personal Life Deeply Lived

A L O H A From Honolulu!

Please let us rise
With hearts aflame,
To conquer morning's
anxious claim.

May wisdom's dawning
pierce the gloom,
Conquering fear
That we may bloom.
    Cloudia Charters 

When you give someone kuleana,
it awakens their mana.
Twinkle Borges

Kuleana in the
Hawaiian language, means
a serious responsibility.

Mana is deep spiritual inner power
within ourselves, and in nature.

You’ll be calm the day you learn
to sit alone and do nothing.
Maxime LagacΓ©

The most beautiful experience we can have is the Mysterious – the fundamental emotion which stands at the cradle of true art and true science.
Albert Einstein

The personal life deeply
lived always expands into
truths beyond itself.
   Anais Nin

Love You,
Cloudia & Pixie


Travel Tuesday 

Happy Tuesday 

Tuesday Treasures

My Corner Of The World

Wild Bird Wednesday


Wordless Wednesday

Click on photo to enlarge



Tribute to a wonderful person who touched so many, from the streets to the governor's suite.
She accomplished MUCH simply, and
shared in a way that built community.
We will never forget Auntie Twinkle.


Elephant's Child said...

Auntie Twinkle sounds very special. The world was made richer by her presence and is diminished with her passing.

roentare said...

Love the love through the photos

s.c said...

Great photo's and quotes again. Difficult to find the words.

Anne Hagman-Niilola said...

Meow! Your cat is lovely.

eileeninmd said...

Beautiful photos and lovely words.
Take care, enjoy your day and the week ahead.

Jenn Jilks said...

Just lovely. I visit you to calm down and relax!

snobe casamang said...

So wonderful words, thanks a lot for sharing.

RedPat said...

Pixie looks quite serious today, Cloudia. ;-)

Barbara Rogers said...

Today I am going to look to have the emotion of mysterious, after all, if Einstein experienced it, it must exist. There are certainly enough things to offer that condition!

Sharon said...

What a beautiful lizard you've picture here.

Cloudia said...

Thanks so much dear friends ❤️

Martha Jane Orlando said...

I loved all the photos and quotes today. Blessings, Cloudia!

Anvilcloud said...

I can't much sit alone and do nothing, even if it is scrolling on Threads.

Bill said...

Pixie has the memorizing stare.

Sandee said...

Beautiful, beautiful and beautiful Pixie.

Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. Scritches to Pixie. ♥

Tom said...

...take time to enjoy the sunset.

Ananka said...

Great photos :-D

Teresa said...

Pixie looks full of mana today, but Aunty Twinkle just might overshadow her a teeny bit.

William Kendall said...

Our geese get around.

magiceye said...

Aloha πŸ™

rupam sarma said...

Beautiful words, Amazing clicks, Specially 1st pic. Loved Pixie s cute pic :) Greetings

My GBGV Life said...

We always wonder about the sign people. Their job looks so boring.

Iris Flavia said...

Great quotes and pics again - and thank you for the explanation,too.

Sandee said...

Scritches to beautiful Pixie.

Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. ♥