Sunday, September 29, 2024

Version Revisions and Laugh-gasms

A L O H A From Honolulu!

The best advice
I ever gave myself was to
"just do my best."
That it would be enough.
Not an invitation to slack off,
far from it: The best I can
under the circumstances. Then
not worry about it anymore.
Liberation of a kind.
An important kind.

Hong Kong Orchid Tree
Life is a garden, not a road.
We enter and exit
through the same gate.
Wandering, where we go
matters less than
what we notice. Kurt Vonnegut

Take-Out (Take Away) Shoyu/Soy Sauce Packets!
Outside a super market in Kalihi, Honolulu
I still carry these versions of myself. It’s a kind of reincarnation without death: all these different lives we get to live in this one body, as ourselves. Maggie Smith

In every heart,
there is a spark of
the firebird's magic –
the ability to transform
and rise from the ashes.
Susanna Kearsley

A tickle, a spark, a building delight,
Tension mounts as the joke takes flight.
Then suddenly - burst! A comedic release,
Endorphins rush, all worries cease.

This blissful reset, a humorous high,
Leaves us breathless, our spirits fly.
In laughter's warm afterglow we bask,
A joyful reprieve from life's heavy task.

Nature's merry design,
To clear our minds and realign.
   Cloudia Charters & Pixie


Elephant's Child said...

Life is indeed a garden - and one to be enjoyed.

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I'm so glad you included a quote by Maggie Smith. She will be missed.

Sandi said...

I don't think I have ever seen a pink hibiscous. (Is that what that is? Smile.) Thank you for sharing it with us.

I like the Kurt Vonnegut quote!

eileeninmd said...

Beautiful photos and quotes!
Maggie Smith will be missed.
Take care, have a great day and a happy week ahead.

Tom said...

...round out your Spectacular September with a bang.

RedPat said...

This post was a treat today, Cloudia. ;-)

magiceye said...

Lovely mural as an ad.

Jenn Jilks said...

Yes, just do your best, with the information you have at the time. That is a good mantra.