Wednesday, January 22, 2025


A L O H A  From
Honesty to Power

Simple truth, 
Sharp and clear,
Standing tall 
When shadows leer,
Courage drawn 
from soul's deep well,
Breaking silence 
And every spell.

Don't whisper, 
Or tremble, or  lie,
Cast your Truth 
Across the sky,
Integrity blazes 
as a flame,
Broken spirit 
Transmuting shame.

Can moral truth 
Finally reach
The heart of power 
Through powerful speech?
Can it breech the walls 
Of fear and doubt
With one triumphant 
Holy shout?

Each life, each land, 
Each generation
Must eventually 
Find out.

   Cloudia Charters

Hope is being able 
to see that there is light 
despite all of the darkness. 
Desmond Tutu

The magic of the street
is the mingling of the
errand and the epiphany.
   Rebecca Solnit

No one is useless in this world who lightens the burden of it for anyone else. Charles Dickens

Love You,
Pixie & Cloudia

Linking to 


Katerinas Blog said...

Good morning Claudia with these gorgeous beauties!
Sunrise, children, flowers, quotes, animals!!!
Our day will definitely go well!!

Elephant's Child said...

Thank you so much. I needed to read these quotes this evening.

eileeninmd said...

Love your poem and inspiring quotes.
Your photos are beautiful, the sky and flower and your sweet Pixie.
Take care, enjoy your day!

rupam sarma said...

Beautiful poem, Great post. Amazing pics.

Tom said...

...the prayer service interrupted the Trump circus!

Anvilcloud said...

Yay Pixie and Dickens.

Anne Hagman-Niilola said...

Lovely post and Pixie!

RedPat said...

Good one, Cloudia. ;-)

Martha Jane Orlando said...

In every generation, we must speak truth to power. Blessings, Cloudia!

Teresa said...

I love the Desmond Tutu quote and Pixie's expression. The kids on the street are so cute. That video clip is amazing, too.

Lydia C. Lee said...

That woman was really brave in my opinion. She stuck by her true Christian values and stood up for what is right where most of the rich men have just got in line in cowardice or the wish to keep making money. Thanks for sharing her speech. I really feel for a lot of Americans who must be terrified. "God turns toward the very places from which humans turn away". The Rev. Dietrich Bonhoeffer.

Lydia C. Lee said...

Thanks for sharing with #Allseasons

Lydia C. Lee said...

Feel free to delete that if it's too much. I understand your page is kinder than that.

Mike said...

"Honesty to Power" I don't think we will see much of that in the next 4 years. tRUMP is loading up his cabinet with yes men (and women).

Bill said...

Another beautiful poem, Cloudia. I enjoy reading your words, they are so inspiring.