Sunday, January 5, 2025

Think Know Think

 A L O H A  From  

Resolve to keep happy,
and your joy and you
shall form an invincible
host against difficulties.
Helen Keller

We are wise only while in search of wisdom; Imagine we have attained it, and we are a fool. Solomon Ibn Gabirol

Be always at war with
your vices, at peace with
your neighbors, and let each
new year find you
a better person.
Benjamin Franklin

A true friend is someone who thinks that you are a good egg even though he knows that you are slightly cracked. Bernard Meltzer

Love You,
Cloudia & Pixie


Teresa said...

It looks like Pixie doesn't appreciate the thought that she might be slightly cracked... That first sky shot is gorgeous.

Mike said...

Nice sunrise and rainbow.

Elephant's Child said...

Smiling at that last quote. More than slightly cracked here.

roentare said...

Friendships thrive on mutual understanding and acceptance—it's in those cracks that our unique qualities and stories reside. So, here's to the friends who love us just the way we are, perfectly imperfect

eileeninmd said...

Love your first sky image, beautiful!
Pixie is always looking cute.
I always thought we are all cracked in some way.
Great quote and photos.
Take care, enjoy your day and have a great week ahead.

gigi-hawaii said...

Relaxing Hawaiian music. Sounds like Slack Key guitar and falsetto.

s.c said...

Again very nice to see and read everything.

Anvilcloud said...

I admit to being slightly cracked, and so I hope that I am good egg.

Tom said...

...amen to thinking.

magiceye said...

Lovely quote of the cracked egg!

RedPat said...

Love that Meltzer quote, Cloudia! ;-)

Barbara Rogers said...

I'm with Franklin, and glad to meet this new you...though I don't know about fighting my vices, I think I prefer to just compartmentalize them and feed them a bit at a time.

Martha Jane Orlando said...

I'll take being a cracked egg any time - LOL! Blessings, Cloudia!

Anita said...

I needed those quotes👍Pixie is a darling xxxx

Bill said...

Love the cracked egg quote.

Sandi said...

I think you and I are good eggs, Cloudia. 😅

Michelle said...

I love that Ben Franklin quote. Hugs to Pixie!

Rostrose said...

Aloha, dear Cloudia,
Hellen Keller had to deal with so much and was such a wise woman! Very good quotes and photos again. What is Pixie thinking about?
I wish you and everyone who is important to you (people and animals) a healthy, peaceful and happy New Year with many wonderful moments!
Best wishes, Traude

J.P. Alexander said...

Ame la primera foto. Adoro a tu gato.

Arun Goyal said...

Oh! I loved the rainbow picture in the beginning, I definitely believe Friendship thrives upon mutual understanding and efforts laid upon to maintain a good bond. Thanks for sharing with Garden Affair.

William Kendall said...

Pixie seems skeptical.