A L O H A From
Today, this hour,
Is your one true life,
Don’t waste it on worry
On fear, or in strife.
These moments are fleeting,
like tides to the sea,
Hold tightly to joy
Let your spirit run free.
Cloudia Charters
To live is to find out
for yourself what is true.
Jiddu Krishnamurti
Home is a place
you grow up wanting
to leave,
and grow old wanting
to get back to
John Ed Pearce
Poetry expands and softens
our consciousness, moving
the mind and heart from
a state of worry to wonder,
reminding us that there is
beauty even in suffering.
James McCrae
Love You,
Cloudia & Pixie
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James McCrae's quote carries us from the heavy weight of our daily burdens to a place where even pain can shimmer with meaning
That John Kennedy quote is so very true - which I wish that more people remembered.
Hi Pixie! Lovely post!
Great quote and a lovely poem.
Have a great day and happy week ahead.
Nice that John Ed Pearce quote about home.
...what a way to travel.
I will try my hardest to "hold tightly to joy" today.
That Kennedy quote is worth thinking about these days.
Love your poem, Cloudia. ;-)
Holding on to joy today. Blessings, Cloudia!
This post brings me sheer joy! Love the guy on the motorized unicycle and Pixie.
Oh goodness -- that device in the second photo!
The guy on the monocycle looks like if he took off to fast he'd bang the back off his head on the street.
The monocycle is unique and so is Pixie!
Love that monocycle too. Way cool.
Love the photos and the quotes. I especially love seeing Pixie.
Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.
Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week. Scritches to Pixie. ♥
Love your sky and street photos!
I'll just say, appreciate poetry! Those who write it seem so talented, and I enjoy reading it...especially when it has that heart-warming quality which connects me to the poet.
Awesome clicks, Beautiful post. Lovely Pixie :)
Aloha Cloudia, poetry, quotes and music it's all my go to especially in our lives these days.
Each photo tells a great visual story… nice post!
Great quotes again this week, including that fabulous one by you. Happy T day!
Lovely pictures and wise words!
I've never seen a monocycle before. Great photo. LOVE the Kennedy quote. We need to remember that one. And I LOVE the leaf and abandoned water you shared for T this Tuesday, dear Cloudia.
The John Edgar Pearce quote is so true! Happy t day, Cloudia & Pixie.
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