Saturday, March 22, 2025


 A L O H A  From

H  O  N  O  L  U  L  U

Most of life is normal days,
so to be in love with them
is to be in love with life.
     Donna Britt

We often take for granted 
the very things that 
most deserve our gratitude.
    Cynthia Ozick

The inner artist, 
like the inner child, 
never goes away, but 
is patiently waiting for an 
invitation to come 
out and play
James McCrae

Do not be threatened
by rude people because
rudeness is a sign
of insecurity. Gift Gugu Mona

My mood is mine to set, Despite the national debt. Their chaos won't control, Our kindness will console. Cloudia Charters 

Love You,
Cloudia & Pixie


Katerinas Blog said...

We certainly take many things for granted and do not feel grateful for them.
But when we lose them (like health) then we understand that ...
We were well and we did not know it!!!
This does not mean that we will not claim things!!
Once again I enjoyed reading and the photos my friend!
Have a nice day Clοudia!!

Shiju Sugunan said...

Beautiful quotes! A lovely reminder to appreciate the everyday moments.

eileeninmd said...

Great quotes! I love the Pixie photo, so cute.
The fish are pretty! I always like seeing the rainbows, they are a treat.
Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great weekend.

Andrew said...

That's a rather different photo of Pixie. She prefers the carpet above the hard floor.

Anvilcloud said...

I wish you a normal and good weekend if that is your agenda this weekend.

Kathy G said...

Thanks for the reminder that I am in charge of how I feel.

William Kendall said...

Pixie is a darling.

Tom said... well.

DeniseinVA said...

We need your wise words more than ever now. Thank you my friend pairing them with such beauty. Pixie looks beautiful too :)

RedPat said...

Love the pic of Pixie today, Cloudia. Enjoy the day. ;-)

Martha Jane Orlando said...

Fantastic photo of Pixie, and we can always choose how we feel about any situation. Blessings, Cloudia!

DrumMajor said...

Kitty not gonna step on that wooden floor; nope, her little tush wants the comfy carpet. Linda in Kansas

Ananka said...

Nice photos :-D

Jenn Jilks said...

True that, Cloudia. Kindness is a wonderful thing.

Mike said...

I can handle normal, whatever that is.

Bill said...

Love your quote, Cloudia and the photo of Pixie is a beauty.

magiceye said...

Loved Pixie portrait and your accompanying poem.

Kay said...

I love all your quotes and especially your words, Cloudia. I hope you're having an awesome weekend. I've been totally preoccupied with our coming trip. I'm not a good traveler and am stressed to the max for several weeks before the flight.

Cloudia said...

Thanks friends! I appreciate you so much each of you! Aloha!