A L O H A From
What a nice night
for an evening.
Steven Wright
You fill up the frame
with feelings, energy,
discovery, and risk,
and leave room enough
for someone else
to get in there.
Joel Meyerowitz
Hope is
a waking dream.
The older I get
the more I try not to
waste my time on
negative energy.
Christine Baranski
are everywhere;
listen to them.
Terri Guillemets
Love You,
Cloudia & Pixie
Make visible what,
without you,
might perhaps never
have been seen.
Robert Bresson
I love the quote about not wasting time on negative energy. Pixie certainly is bright-eyed today. I suspect that she is surprised at what that person in the picture under her made visible, definitely something that's never been seen before! Or perhaps only in Hawaii???
Hope is a waking dream! Well said
Wow some good photographs today.
That first pic is great and the quote that goes with it is charming.
...what a dresser!
It is difficult being positive some days. I do have to turn off the news.
Pixie has the look of someone who has had too much coffee.
Love the evening quote and the pink flower, Cloudia. ;-)
Have a nice weekend!
No room for negativity today! Blessings, Cloudia!
Amazing skies, Beautiful flowers, So nice post.
I think pixie is listening to the video on youtube
I love that kind of crazy fox at the end! Made me smile! #WeekendReflection
Excellent shots and quotes. The older I get the more aware I am of the value of time.
I think Pixie is surprised by the girl's outfit :)
Thanks friends! So wonderful seeing each of you here and pixie concurs. Aloha!
The seasonal birds of hope are returning to my area. I love listening to them as I wake up in the morning.
Those skies are amazing :-D
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