A L O H A !
Mural Detail, Reichert Ave; Novato CA
[All Below As Well]
“Earth provides enough to
satisfy every man's needs,
but not every man's greed.”
Mahatma Gandhi
Farms, Novato Creek, Water Birds. We all want to be in the carriage |
“Don't think of yourself
as a surrogate mule,
think of yourself as an
entrepreneur of the physical.”
George Saunders
“Shoving feathers up your butt
does not make you a chicken.”
Brad Pitt
'Do I look as cute & fluffy as you?" |
“This is what a place like
this does to you. It
makes you put words
in the beaks of chickens.”
Danielle Paige
“It was incomprehensible to
Ricky that anyone could find
Milburn boring: if you watched
it closely for seventy years,
you saw the century at work.”
Peter Straub
And so with Novato. One feels part
of the history of such a place.
From the first inhabitants,
to the Spanish, Sir Francis Drake,
all the Pioneers, Founders,
Farmers, Road & Bridge Builders.
They built a town.
Linking to
Thank YOU
Fondly, cloudia