Friday, May 17, 2024

Warrior Not Worrier

A L O H A From Honolulu!

We are not given a challenge
we can't overcome.

The reason most people break
down is that they put most of
the energy into the problem
instead of the solution.

Let's get into warrior mode
not worrier mode!
Gedale Fenster

The Crown-flower queen, In robes of lilac blue With her stems of attendants, And Bees, around her head. The little bees are glad, For they know that she is good, And the Crown-flower is happy, In their neighborhood
Together they endure
In harmony and peace.
The crown herself is crowned
By her golden bees.
Cloudia Charters

The greatest illusion of
modern society is that freedom
is purely individualistic, when in
reality, our freedom is deeply
interconnected with the
well-being of everyone. @berniegirl67_3

The longer I live, the more deeply
I learn that love, whether we call it
friendship or family or romance, is
the work of mirroring and magnifying
each other's light. Gentle work.
Steadfast work. Life-saving work
in those moments when life and
shame and sorrow occlude our own light
from our view, but there is still a
clear-eyed loving person to beam it back.
In our best moments, we are that
person for another. James Baldwin

Love You,
Cloudia & Pixie



Katerinas Blog said...

Another positive and
very beautiful post Claudia.
I really liked the James Baldwin quote..
Have a nice day!

Elephant's Child said...

some lovely quotes today. thank you.

roentare said...

Love is a powerful energy

Iris Flavia said...

The first quote is my fav!

mamapez5 said...

All good quotes and pictures. I liked the queen flower and the last verse. Kate x

Annie said...

Another beautiful post today. Thanks for your kind words.
Annie x

rupam sarma said...

Great post, Greetings

s.c said...

Great quote that first one.

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I loved warrior mode not worrier mode. I also loved the James Baldwin quote and photo. Pixie is as adorable as ever. Have a great Friday Smile, dear Cloudia.

Tom said...

...colorful dude.

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Great post today with some lovely thoughts. Happy weekend, Angela xXx

Anvilcloud said...

I like your bee poem.

Jim said...


Barbara Rogers said...

Loved your bee poem today, but had to look up Crown Flower, to see other images. It's a new one to me, and quite lovely!

RedPat said...

Love that Baldwin quote, Cloudia. ;-)

Lisca said...

Lovely crown flower poem.I have never seen a crown flower. I had to look it up. It's very pretty.
And I thought Pixie was looking rather stern.

Teresa said...

I love the quotes today! Pixie is adorable, as always, but that last shot of one of the conch shell dudes is wonderful!

James said...

I love the reflection! It's cool that you're reflected next to The Hiroshima to Honolulu Friendship Torii.

Spare Parts and Pics said...

We do tend to get caught up in our problems rather than solutions! Wonderful post.

Martha Jane Orlando said...

Let us not worry, but be God's warriors for peace, love and tranquility.
Blessings, Cloudia!

DeniseinVA said...

I come here to see all these wise words and beautiful photos. I leave in the warrior mode with a big smile! Thank you my friend and Aloha!

Sharon said...

A lot of very smart advice here.

William Kendall said...

That bee was quite cooperative.

LA Paylor said...

love the quotes, and you and of course pixie cat

Terrebel said...

Very inspiring quotes and what a wonderful sky!